My Tree Book

For the past month, my class and I have been working on Tree Books. The first step for making the books was to write a class poem about trees. After we finished the poem, Miss Peg Gignoux ( made silk screens with parts of the poem on it. Using these silk screens we painted tree cut outs made out of mat board. We also used these paints called akua inks to print out plants onto the tree. We then collaged strips of mat board to look like branches and roots onto our tree. Finally, we put in our envelopes and our Branches poem and Salute to my Roots poem. Overall, I enjoyed the experience but it also was kind of hard for all the writing. I wouldn’t want to do this again, but it was fun while it lasted.

Here is my Branches poem:

My Life Goals:

Branches, Reaching Toward the Sky My Wish Tree

By: Ansh

  1. One of my goals in life is to have a good education and get a college degree. One of the reasons is because I will learn a lot on the journey and the other reason is so that I will be able to get a good job.
  2. To tie in with my first goal, I also want to get a job that challenges me and one that I enjoy doing. My first reason is that I will hopefully be able to travel to different places as part of my job, and also this would be my source of income to get a home and feed myself.
  3. I would like to make more and new friends because it is good to have friends to help me through my life, like if I am going through struggles. Also because I am a talkative person and I like to think that people like my jokes so having more friends means having more of an audience.
  4. Another hope is that I stay safe and healthy throughout my life. I know many people who have died or gotten very sick, and I feel sad and do not want to get ill and die. Instead I would want to die from old age rather than sickness.
  5. I want to be there for my family for as long as I can be. There are many people who forget their families, and I love my whole entire family and community so much and I don’t know what I would do without them. I want to love them for ever and ever and make sure I show it.
  6. I hope to have enough money to satisfy my needs such as having plenty of food and a comfortable living space. If I do not have food or a shelter, then I would die or get arrested, and I also want money so that I can also get some ‘wants’ as well as ‘needs’.
  7. I hope that I don’t do drugs or use alcohol, and this is something I can and will control. I hope this because the side effects could be death or getting fired for alcohol use on the job, and then I would have a record and maybe not be able to find another job.
  8. I also hope that I can get a dog, because I love dogs and I used to have one, but we had to give her away. The main reason I want a dog is because they are really fun to play with, and the second reason is because dogs usually make a connection and it’s like having a new friend.
  9. I keep a strong bond with my parents. Sometimes we disagree and it makes me sad, but I will work to avoid those times and be more understanding of their point of view. Family is very important to me and I plan to make it stronger each day!
  10. Getting good grades right now is one of the things I am working for the most, but it is still a struggle for me. I want to get good grades because, one, I can show that to my parents and they would be proud of me, and two, because I like seeing A’s on my report cards and would also boost my self confidence a lot.


World Goals

I wish for the world to have more economic rights because at this current moment lots of people and families have lost their jobs and do not have enough money to feed their families. If prices for food items in grocery stores went down then people could eat and not have to beg on the streets and possibly get arrested. The American education system is also unbalanced in my opinion and to go to a private school like DA it is very costly. If the prices for private school were to decrease though, many people would probably start going to private schools and public schools would be unused. So this change might not ever happen, but I can still hope for this change. Pollution is one of the things that could bring humanity’s doom, and I think that we as humans should all put our differences aside and team up to decrease greenhouse gasses. I hope that over time we can find better ways to provide clean energy, because a lot of our power is currently made by coal power plants, and they pollute the atmosphere which also ties in with my hope for climate change.Racism is a big part in our lives especially after the murder of George Floyd and others killed unjustly. That event told me that even though we might think that America is a land of opportunity and all, it kind of isn’t because people of color can be denied jobs based on the color of their skin and sometimes are unfairly treated. I hope our world will learn to be a kinder and more accepting place in the future.


And here is my Salute to My Roots piece:


By: Ansh


My grandparents have impacted my life in many ways. They pick me up from school everyday, drive me places I need to be and love me no matter what. My grandpa is very supportive of whatever I am doing, and he loves listening to me talk about my video games. He is also very kind and gentle. My grandma is sweet and kind and always has a smile on her face. One thing I love about my grandparents is that they love to drive me places, like if I want to go to my friends house or anywhere really, I ask my dad and my grandpa just says “We’ll take him.” I love my grandparents so much and I don’t know where I would be without their support in my life.

My mom and dad have helped me progress in life so much too. My parents are very encouraging and help me be my best self. They teach me important lessons about life and love me. My mom is always making funny jokes and has a smile on her face. She helps me finish my work if I’m not done after dinner, and we just talk about our days and joke around. I love taking hikes with our family and we always explore new areas on trails. My dad is fun to be around and I like seeing new things with him. I don’t know what I would be doing without my parents’ help in school. My mom also is very supportive of my love for video games, and asks me “Are you winning?” My parents sometimes take away my computer on the weekdays, but I know that it is because I need to have more focus on school. She probably doesn’t think this, but my mom’s cooking is awesome too. She loves to make new recipes and I have learned almost everything I know about cooking from her. She is kind, loving, smart, funny, strong, and very friendly. My dad is hard working, kind and supportive. I would really like to be someone who has all of those traits when I grow up.

My friends are all kind and understanding, and they love to play video games just like me which is a main factor of our friendships. An example of how they are understanding is if I can’t play, then they don’t encourage me to play if I am not allowed to, instead they play with me another day and we just talk. My friends are also calm and don’t get very reckless, which is something I appreciate and admire. I look up to them, even though they are the same or a younger age than me.

Ms. Rosen was a very supportive person in the lower school for me. Everyday I would go to the library first thing in the morning, and Ms. Rosen would recommend good books for that day. We would also have research sessions for classwork and Ms. Rosen taught us a funny song for how to write notes well. I remember this one time when I was in the library in the morning, I was reading a book to see what it was about and Ms. Rosen told me about some interesting books. These books she recommended were the first chapter books I had ever read and I hate to say this, but they are probably better than most of the graphic novels that I have read. She was a really nice person and she was also a very creative person and taught me to think outside the box. I would love to be more like her and take on her traits as I grow up.

Tree Update

My tree has grown more branches since the last time I visited it. It is also taller and now looks like a mini but thin Christmas tree and is greener. I got my name because my parents say that I looked like a part or portion of God, but I still don’t understand why I was named Ansh. The name Ansh means “Portion” or “Day” I am naming my tree Tiny Oak because it is an Oak tree and it is tiny so the name fits. The butterfly I photographed is now named Crunchy because I like to eat food and crunchy food is the best in my opinion. The word optimist means a person that is always hoping for the best in things and is confident about the future. The opposite, a pessimist, means a person that expects the worst in things or does not feel good about the future and thinks something will go wrong. I think that I am an optimist in some circumstances and a pessimist in other circumstances. I am an optimist if I am having fun, and think that I am going to have even more fun, and a pessimist if I am scared, like if I am watching a scary movie I think that something bad is going to happen to the main character or someone else important and the movie will be bad.

Fingerprint Project

Hey guys, it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, and today I am going to be telling you some interesting facts about fingerprints!

1. Did you know that some people are born without fingerprints? I didn’t know that! This can happen because of a mutation called Adermatoglyphia.

2. The scientific name for fingerprint is Dermatoglyph

3. There are three types of fingerprints. The first type is a “loop”, and they are the most common type at 60% occurence around the world. The second type is “whorls”, and they are about 35% occurence in the world. The final type is “arches”, and they are the most rare type at 5%!

4. Koalas have fingerprints too!

5. Identical twins have different fingerprints, even though everything about them look the same.

6. Fingerprints can actually reveal what drugs you have taken. A company called Intelligent Fingerprinting made a software that can detect if someone has been taking illegal drugs.

7. Fingerprints are formed by the development of blood vessels, and are also influenced by parental genes, so family fingerprints are very likely to be similar.

8. A cool history fact to end off is that in 1948, British police ordered a whole town to submit their fingerprints to them. The reason for this was to find a murderer that had left lots of fingerprint evidence for the police. The police found the suspect in the 46,253th set collected and he was hanged.


If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and peace out!

The Lady or the Tiger Project

In our LA class we read the short story called “The Lady or the Tiger” by Frank Stockton. You can read the story on this link

Because Frank Stockton didn’t end the story I wrote my own ending. My beautiful drawings will be at the end. Enjoy!

As the princess moved her hand to the right, the youth rogged to the left door, thinking the one the princess pointed to would be the one that the tiger would be in as she would not want him to get married to another woman than herself. As quiently as could be the soldiers operating the door pulled the door open. Alas, was he wrong. It had turned out that while the “princess” had been telling him where to go, she had traded places with the lady in the left door knowing he would go there, and so when he opened the door, he saw the princess. The king was ashtartled, as nobody had ever dared to mess with the trials. He proclaimed this witchcraft and accused the youth of it. Nobody dared to look at the princess though, as in that moment it was that the king proclaimed that gazing upon the princess was hereby a crime. The youth, oblivious to the king kept his gaze upon the princess however, and wondered how the princess had switched spots. Many of the king’s guards were still keeping watch on the youth and realized that he was committing many crimes and sentenced him to the arena for 3 more days. On all 3 days the prince kept picking the door with the princess and eventually found out her secrets. Indeed she was a sorceress and the youth had to forever be stuck in the arena for every day he would look upon the princess and yet everyday commit a crime. The princess and the youth eventually came to share the power of the arena and would there on help others who were wrongfully accused of crimes. The king had refused to use vicious tigers from there on seeing how pointless the justifying system was and replaced the vicious and ferocious beast with a cute and cuddly tiger. What happened to the original woman that the youth was supposed to marry will remain a mystery, but rumors had it that she had gone crazy and her once beautiful eyes were replaced with cold, dark, and empty ones. Once the king died the royalty passed down to his daughter and she created a whole new government and justifying system. She also married the now grown youth, and they had five wonderful children that carried on the legacy.

Here is the glossary:

1. rogged = ran + jogged
2. quietly = quickly + silently
3. ashtartled = astonished + startled


Stock Market Game

The project that we are doing in our language arts class is called the Stock Market Game and it is about the Westing Game (the book). The reason we are doing this project is to understand how the stock market works and also to better understand the book. We have $20,000(it’s pretend money) to invest in 3-6 companies. In the book, the main character Turtle Wexler is obsessed with the stock market, and thinks the actual game is about stocks and the stock market. The name of Luke (my partner) and my company is called LAnsh  Corp. because it has both of our names in it and it also sounds really cool.

We invested in Boeing because it is almost spring break and a lot of people will want to go somewhere now that everyone has got vaccinated, and we chose Walt Disney because people might want to go to Disney world or Disney Land in spring break.

We invested in AT&T because in COVID-19 some people have online school and they are using their WIFI and some people use AT&T as their ISP.

We also chose to invest in Southwest Airlines because they are Luke and my favorite airline company and people might want to travel in the spring time or summer time. Logitech isn’t doing too well but we think that people might start investing in them so their price might go up, and we think the same for Microsoft.

12-18-20 Game Review

Hey guys, today I am going to be reviewing the game “Sorry!” I know, I know it’s a change. You probably thought that it was going to be a video game review, but nope. I chose this game because my brother recently got it, and we have really enjoyed playing it as a family. I would recommend this game to a family of four or less, because playing in teams isn’t really fun in “Sorry!” I guess playing at parties would be fun, but if you hadn’t noticed, there is a pandemic so it might not be a good idea to go to a party. The game is a lot like Ludo, but instead of dice you have to draw cards and can do different things depending on the card you chose. An example is like if you get 10, you can either move forward 10 or go back 1. The game board is really big though, and we have already lost 1 or 2 cards. Don’t worry, we found them, but the cards are lost easily, mostly if you have a younger cousin that is always throwing cards at windows and saying he’s “Gambit” from Marvel. Alright, that’s it for this game review, and thank you, dear reader, for going through this whole review without calling asleep!

Signing off for now, The Gaming Guy

How My Family Celebrated Thanksgiving

Normally, my family would go to a big party with a lot of our friends and celebrate thanksgiving there, but with the announcement that people should not go to any gatherings with over 10 people, we were, unfortunately, unable to go to a party. Instead, we celebrated at home by making some wonderful food and invited over my cousin and his family. Our families are both all vegetarian, and so instead of a turkey, we had tofurkey, which is a giant hunk of tofu with filling inside. We played some games, two of which were organized and made by me, and after the reunion, we watched a movie. This was a new and different way of experiencing Thanksgiving, and overall, I enjoyed it.

Picture taken by me

Halloween during COVID-19

As you all know, during COVID-19, many families are choosing not to go Trick-or-treating. I know this because my family is not, and so are some of my friends. This is really a letdown, because this is the first year when Halloween is on a weekend and also in a school year, and normally we don’t get the day after Halloween off. That doesn’t stop me from having fun though, and I made an awesome costume with the help of my mom. It was an awesome experience, and I really enjoyed the one on one time with her without my brother pestering me about the Nintendo Switch. My costume is Nothing, and if you know the story of Somebody, Anybody, Nobody, and Everybody, then this costume might make sense to you. The idea came to me because I couldn’t find anything in my house that I hadn’t already worn once. This Halloween might be a tough one and a letdown, but I want to make the most out of it. I hope you guys all have a spooky Halloween!

Picture taken by my LA teacher
Picture taken by my LA teacher

10-16-20 Game Review

Picture taken by me

Hey guys! Ansh here, and this is going to be my first video game review. In this review I’m going to be reviewing (dramatic music)… Call of Duty: Modern Warfare! I know that a lot of people play this game, I searched it up and it said that 61 million plus people play it. That’s a lot of people! Now, enough of the chitchat. Time for the review! So, I would give the game a solid 10/10 in graphics. If you have a PC or a good monitor this game will work really well for you and you will get a lot of good frames and animations. In the gameplay perspective, I would give it a 8/10 because it’s very hard to get a “Warzone Victory,” but it really pays off because of the feeling you get. I only have 3 wins, but I’m hoping to get more and rack up that k/d ratio. Fun wise, I would give Modern Warfare a solid 11/10. It’s always fun to play with friends and get those victories! Overall, I would give it a 9/10 for now, but I’m looking out for more updates and more fun!


If you read this far, I would just like to thank you for surviving my talk about one game, and would just like to say that if you might enjoy watching Warzone, I would recommend my YouTube channel, SkarletNinja, but feel free to watch anyone else!

Signing off for now, The Gaming Guy (Can we make this my nickname?)

My First Post

A tennis ball and racket

I love to play tennis and currently I have to take an assessment to see how good I am. My backhand really sucks, because I am always “crowding” the tennis racket when the ball comes to me. My forehand is better, but I can still improve on it. Leave a comment if wether or not your backhand/forehand is good or bad! Hope you enjoyed!