12-18-20 Game Review

Hey guys, today I am going to be reviewing the game “Sorry!” I know, I know it’s a change. You probably thought that it was going to be a video game review, but nope. I chose this game because my brother recently got it, and we have really enjoyed playing it as a family. I would recommend this game to a family of four or less, because playing in teams isn’t really fun in “Sorry!” I guess playing at parties would be fun, but if you hadn’t noticed, there is a pandemic so it might not be a good idea to go to a party. The game is a lot like Ludo, but instead of dice you have to draw cards and can do different things depending on the card you chose. An example is like if you get 10, you can either move forward 10 or go back 1. The game board is really big though, and we have already lost 1 or 2 cards. Don’t worry, we found them, but the cards are lost easily, mostly if you have a younger cousin that is always throwing cards at windows and saying he’s “Gambit” from Marvel. Alright, that’s it for this game review, and thank you, dear reader, for going through this whole review without calling asleep!

Signing off for now, The Gaming Guy