How My Family Celebrated Thanksgiving

Normally, my family would go to a big party with a lot of our friends and celebrate thanksgiving there, but with the announcement that people should not go to any gatherings with over 10 people, we were, unfortunately, unable to go to a party. Instead, we celebrated at home by making some wonderful food and invited over my cousin and his family. Our families are both all vegetarian, and so instead of a turkey, we had tofurkey, which is a giant hunk of tofu with filling inside. We played some games, two of which were organized and made by me, and after the reunion, we watched a movie. This was a new and different way of experiencing Thanksgiving, and overall, I enjoyed it.

Picture taken by me

Halloween during COVID-19

As you all know, during COVID-19, many families are choosing not to go Trick-or-treating. I know this because my family is not, and so are some of my friends. This is really a letdown, because this is the first year when Halloween is on a weekend and also in a school year, and normally we don’t get the day after Halloween off. That doesn’t stop me from having fun though, and I made an awesome costume with the help of my mom. It was an awesome experience, and I really enjoyed the one on one time with her without my brother pestering me about the Nintendo Switch. My costume is Nothing, and if you know the story of Somebody, Anybody, Nobody, and Everybody, then this costume might make sense to you. The idea came to me because I couldn’t find anything in my house that I hadn’t already worn once. This Halloween might be a tough one and a letdown, but I want to make the most out of it. I hope you guys all have a spooky Halloween!

Picture taken by my LA teacher
Picture taken by my LA teacher